Instytut Lecha Wałęsy organizuje w tym roku pierwszy Międzynarodowy Konkurs Filmowy „Solidarity Shorts”, dzięki któremu młode pokolenie ma szanse pokazać, co dziś znaczy dla nich słowo „solidarność”. Zadanie uczestników polega na nakręceniu etiudy filmowej, w której odpowiedzą na pytanie „Czym dla mnie jest dzisiaj idea solidarności?”. Celem konkursu jest zachęcenie młodych ludzi do refleksji nad współczesnym światem oraz zgłębienia historycznej roli „Solidarności”.
Konkurs organizowany jest we współpracy z Gdyńską Szkołą Filmową oraz Fundacją Szkoła Wajdy. Poniżej komunikat prasowy.
“Solidarity Shorts” - International Film Contest 2013
The first “Solidarity Shorts” – International Film Contest has been launched! The contest is addressed to young people from all over the world who find the idea of solidarity close to their hearts. Their task is to shoot a short film which will answer the following question: “What does the idea of solidarity mean to me today?”
“Solidarity Shorts” is organized by The Lech Walesa Institute in cooperation with the Wajda School Foundation and the Gdynia Film School. The goal of the contest is to encourage young amateur filmmakers from around the world to undertake a sensitive reflection on the relations among people and cultures in today’s world. The contest will allow these filmmakers to demonstrate what the idea of solidarity means to them while also becoming acquainted with the history of Poland’s “Solidarity” (Solidarność) movement.
In order to enter the contest a short film (1-3 minutes long) produced by a young amateur film-maker (aged 18-30) from any place in the world must be submitted through the official Solidarity Shorts website ( There are no restrictions in terms of the film’s genre or the technology used in the filming process: mobile phones, digital cameras or film cameras can be used.
The authors of 11 best films will receive a set of attractive awards: participation in a professional filmmaker workshop at the Gdynia Film School, a chance to attend the Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates to be held in Warsaw in October 2013 and the opportunity to meet with Lech Wałęsa.
Air tickets to Poland and back as well as living expenses will be also covered.
Contest entries are to be submitted by 15 September. Upon submission of the first film a contest film gallery will become available at Ten best films will be selected by the Contest Jury, including outstanding teachers and filmmakers from the Gdynia Film School and the Wajda School Foundation. Additionally, Internet users will have the opportunity to vote for one additional winning film from 16 through 22 September through an online viewer’s choice contest.
“Solidarity Shorts” – International Film Contest offers a unique opportunity to promote Poland abroad and the concept of global education worldwide. The project is supported by such esteemed Polish institutions as: Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Polish Film Institute and The Adam Mickiewicz Institute. Additionally, the contest will accompany the official agenda of the Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates.
More information available at the contest’s official website and social network pages: Facebook ( and Twitter (
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